lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011


BB King tiene una canción llamada "Lucille" que compuso en honor a su guitarra. Esta es la letra.

The sound that you're listenin' to Is from my guitar that's named Lucille I'm very crazy about Lucille Lucille took me from the plantation Or you might say brought me fame I don't think I can just talk enough about Lucille Sometimes when I'm blue it's seems like Lucille Tryin' to help me callin' my name I used to sing spirituals and I thought that This was the thing I wanted to do But somehow or another, when I went in the Army I picked up on Lucille, started singin' blues Well, now when I'm payin' my dues Maybe you don't know what I mean when I say payin' my dues I mean when things are bad with me I can always, I can always you, you know, like depend on Lucille Sorta hard to talk to you myself I guess, I'll let Lucille say All of a few words and then You know, I doubt if you can feel it like I do But when I think about the things that I've gone through Like, well, for instance, if I have a girlfriend and she's misusin' me And I go home at night, maybe I'm lonely Well, not maybe, I am lonely I pick up Lucille and then ping out those funny sounds That sound good to me, you know Sometimes I get to play it where I can't even say nothin' Look out Sometimes I think it is cryin' You know if I can sing pop tunes like Frank Sinatra or Sammy Davis Jr. I don't think I still could do it 'Cause Lucille don't wanna play nothin' but the blues And I think I'm, I think I'm pretty glad about that 'Cause don't nobody sing to me like Lucille, sing Lucille Well, I'll put it like this, take it easy, Lucille I like the way Sammy sings and I like the way Frank sings But I can get a little Frank, Sammy, little Ray Charles In fact all the people with soul in this A little Mahalia Jackson in there One more Lucille, take it easy now You know, I've met a lot of you months ago A lot of you wanna know why I call the guitar, Lucille Lucille has practically saved my life two, three times No kidding, really has I remember once I was in an automobile accident And when the car stopped turnin' over, it fell over on Lucille And it held it up off of me, really, it held it up off of me So that's one time it saved my life The way, the way, I, uh, I came by the name of Lucille I was over in Twist, Arkansas, I know you never heard of that But happened and one night, the guys started a ball over there You know started brawlin', you know what I mean And the guy that was mad with this old lady When she fell over on this gas tank that was burnin' for heat The gas ran all over the floor and when the gas ran all over the floor The building caught on fire and almost burned me up Tryin' to save Lucille Uh, oh, I, I imagine you're still wondering why I call it Lucille The lady that started the brawl that night was named Lucille And that's been Lucille ever since to me One more now, Lucille Sounds pretty good to me, can I do one more? Look out, Lucille Sounds really good, I think I'll try one more, alright Read more: B.B. KING

Al igual que su Lucille, esta guitarra también tiene nombre. Su nombre es Lucy. Hay 3 razones para ello. La Dot es básicamente una Gibson ES-335, la guitarra en la cual esta basada Lucille.
Admiro mucho a BB King. No solo es un gran guitarrista. Es un gran ser humano. Y es probablemente el único guitarrista en el mundo que solo necesita tocar una sola nota para identificar su tono. El solo ver tocar a BB es un espectaculo. BB King parece dejar su alma en cada nota que toca.
Existen guitarristas que tocan solos de un millón de notas por minuto y los respeto. Pero BB King puede tocar 4 notas y hacer algo infinitamente más bello. Esto es un ejemplo.
Asi que Lucy, por su Lucille. La segunda razón es que soy fan de los beatles, por lo cual Lucy es un nombre beatlesco. La tercera razón es la más importante.
Al igual que su Lucille, es una historia muy larga y complicada, pero esta guitarra también me salvó la vida una vez.

Todos los que me conocen bien saben que mi más grande sueño en la vida, por encima de mi carrera y de cualquier otra cosa, es algún día tener un hijo. Si pudiera elegir, me gustaría que fuera una niña. Probablemente porque no tengo hermanas, y creo sinceramente que las mujeres son infinitamente más complejas e interesantes que los hombres.

Si tengo una hija, me gustaría que su nombre fuera Lucy. Aún si no heredara mi gusto por la música, mis guitarras serían de ella. Pero en mi mente imagino que heredara ese gusto y tocara mis guitarras.

Tal Wilkenfeld, la bajista de Jeff Beck, siempre ha evocado en mi imaginación como sería tener una hija que heredara esa pasión por la música.

Lucy no es mía realmente. La compré hace unos pocos meses como un regalo para mi hermano Andrés.

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